Sunday 15 May 2011

Semi formal summry

A presentation was conducted on the 23rd of April, 2011 by my college group classmates which are Saeed Rashid, C00161028 and Abdulla Ali, H00156346, Ateeq Omar, H00154910. In T008 / 2:20 pm.
The presentation topic was about White board verses Smart board and it took approximately 6 minutes long. I believe that Abdulla had a good eye contact with the audience and felt confident and he hadn’t any problems at all while speaking. And to movements, although he was using hands gesture while explaining some points which was an important factor that made the audience more active with the presenter. Moreover, Abdulla was a little bit nervous before the presentation so he used notes cards so he won’t forget the important points. He had a clear loud voice but he faced some problems while pronouncing some hard vocabulary.  Nevertheless everything else was clear.
The power point slides were organized, the font size was clear, colors were fitting with the presentation and the visuals were perfect.  Animations weren’t used in the presentation but Abdulla showed us a video that contains information about whiteboard & smart board.
Overall I believe that Abdulla did a good job and covered some important points. But he still needs to improve more in the area of vocabulary and pronunciation of words.