Thursday 7 April 2011



Date of meeting: 20th March 2010
Topic: Traffic in HCT
Time of meeting: 14:20
Venue: class room (104)
Meeting participants:
Participants: Saeed Rashed ,Abdullah Ali ,Atteq ,Khalifa
Chair \Lead: Saeed Rashed
Minute’s taker: Abdullah
Venue preparation :
Table and chairs for 4 people.
Paper and pens.
1-Find the causes of traffic and discuss why it is so complex?
2-Find the solution for the traffic problem.
3-Solutions discuss, choice the best.
This meeting will present the traffic issues in the HCT .As i am one of councilor student, I have been inform from the head college department, asking our group to find some solution for college traffic. We know that the college had serious accident last year and it was a disaster and since that day, the college has made strong rules to avoid serious risk for an accident .We want to know what the biggest issue is make the traffic so complex and we will try to find easy solution suit for everybody. One of the idea to make a signal light , which is probably the most easily recognized traffic control device and also ,we recommend to sometimes giving traffic tickets and, encourage students and teachers to use the parking in right way .Finally , we will consider for everybody be responsible for his behavior .

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