Sunday 5 June 2011

Commnucative Skills

Reflective Log:

Experiences may include self confidence, data gathering, to understand the topic better, do research, knowledge sharing, linking data to personal experiences and talk about it in public in addition to enhancing English language. My last performance in my previous presentation has enhanced a lot in the recent presentation. My voice tone adjustment, body language, hand gestures, pronunciation of words and self confidence made me a better presenter. And the most important factor that makes the audience be active with the presenter is that the loud clear voice and using gestures.

Communicative Skills:

Skills improved this course are many, such as: communication skills, eye contact, body gestures to audience, voice median communication and sharing thoughts with the audits.

These skills will help me allot in the future. most of the great leaders are excellent speakers in public. The presentation skills will help me achieve lots of personal & business targets specially if i want to be closer to people. they can be convinced with my ideas more if i was talking about it rather than reading a paper.

There are lots of challenges in formal communications. first of all, self confidence is number one issue when doing a formal presentation/communication, if a person has a high esteem and self confidence, it can b easy for him to communicate whatever he wants to other minds. Another challenge is the language! sometimes language can stand as a barrier from communicating the right information to audience. also, body language, this is a very important point because some body gestures might be misunderstood by others (i.e. the victory sign by hand can be understood as 2 karak tea too!). 

These challenges can be distorted if we knew who are our audience and what topic to talk about. for example, if the speech is given to audience who prefer visuals in the presentation given, so you have to prepare lots of visual aids to attract audience's attention and help them understand.


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