Sunday 5 June 2011

Formal report presentation

Our presentation was conducted on the 2nd of June, 2011 by my classmates Saeed Rashid, C00161028 and Abdulla Ali, H00156346, Ateeq Omar, H00154910. In T005 / 3:50 pm.
Our presentation topic was about Air pollution which took approximately 20 minutes long. I believe that it was well presented by my colleagues.
As I have been requested to evaluate Abdulla’s presentation, I would like to mention that he did very well when he explained the effects of air pollution on the society.
In terms of presentation skills, Abdulla had a clear loud voice with a very good English vocabulary comparing to the previous presentation where he had lots of pronunciation mistakes.
Everything was very good except one point, at the beginning, Abdulla started with a monotone voice and wasn’t really getting the audience’s attention, however, he noticed his flow and started using his body language more often such as hands gestures, using visual aids such as pictures, which helped him in gaining back the audience 5 senses back concentrating at him. Also, Abdulla fully understood the subject, that’s why he was comfortably, flawlessly talking about the topic.
 As a wrap up, we took our mistakes from the previous presentation and tried our best to enhance them to make a better show as part of our continuous learning process.

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