Sunday 5 June 2011

Formal presentation report

Our presentation was conducted on the 2nd of June, 2011 by my classmates Saeed Rashid, C00161028 and Abdulla Ali, H00156346, Ateeq Omar, H00154910. In T005 / 3:50 pm.
Our presentation topic was about Air pollution which took approximately 20 minutes long. I believe that it was well presented by my colleagues.
As I have been requested to evaluate Abdulla’s presentation, I would like to mention that he did very well when he explained the effects of air pollution on the society.
In terms of presentation skills, Abdulla had a clear loud voice with a very good English vocabulary comparing to the previous presentation where he had lots of pronunciation mistakes.
Everything was very good except one point, at the beginning, Abdulla started with a monotone voice and wasn’t really getting the audience’s attention, however, he noticed his flow and started using his body language more often such as hands gestures, using visual aids such as pictures, which helped him in gaining back the audience 5 senses back concentrating at him. Also, Abdulla fully understood the subject, that’s why he was comfortably, flawlessly talking about the topic.
 As a wrap up, we took our mistakes from the previous presentation and tried our best to enhance them to make a better show as part of our continuous learning process.

Commnucative Skills

Reflective Log:

Experiences may include self confidence, data gathering, to understand the topic better, do research, knowledge sharing, linking data to personal experiences and talk about it in public in addition to enhancing English language. My last performance in my previous presentation has enhanced a lot in the recent presentation. My voice tone adjustment, body language, hand gestures, pronunciation of words and self confidence made me a better presenter. And the most important factor that makes the audience be active with the presenter is that the loud clear voice and using gestures.

Communicative Skills:

Skills improved this course are many, such as: communication skills, eye contact, body gestures to audience, voice median communication and sharing thoughts with the audits.

These skills will help me allot in the future. most of the great leaders are excellent speakers in public. The presentation skills will help me achieve lots of personal & business targets specially if i want to be closer to people. they can be convinced with my ideas more if i was talking about it rather than reading a paper.

There are lots of challenges in formal communications. first of all, self confidence is number one issue when doing a formal presentation/communication, if a person has a high esteem and self confidence, it can b easy for him to communicate whatever he wants to other minds. Another challenge is the language! sometimes language can stand as a barrier from communicating the right information to audience. also, body language, this is a very important point because some body gestures might be misunderstood by others (i.e. the victory sign by hand can be understood as 2 karak tea too!). 

These challenges can be distorted if we knew who are our audience and what topic to talk about. for example, if the speech is given to audience who prefer visuals in the presentation given, so you have to prepare lots of visual aids to attract audience's attention and help them understand.


Formal report presentation

Our presentation was conducted on the 2nd of June, 2011 by my classmates Saeed Rashid, C00161028 and Abdulla Ali, H00156346, Ateeq Omar, H00154910. In T005 / 3:50 pm.
Our presentation topic was about Air pollution which took approximately 20 minutes long. I believe that it was well presented by my colleagues.
As I have been requested to evaluate Abdulla’s presentation, I would like to mention that he did very well when he explained the effects of air pollution on the society.
In terms of presentation skills, Abdulla had a clear loud voice with a very good English vocabulary comparing to the previous presentation where he had lots of pronunciation mistakes.
Everything was very good except one point, at the beginning, Abdulla started with a monotone voice and wasn’t really getting the audience’s attention, however, he noticed his flow and started using his body language more often such as hands gestures, using visual aids such as pictures, which helped him in gaining back the audience 5 senses back concentrating at him. Also, Abdulla fully understood the subject, that’s why he was comfortably, flawlessly talking about the topic.
 As a wrap up, we took our mistakes from the previous presentation and tried our best to enhance them to make a better show as part of our continuous learning process.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Semi formal summry

A presentation was conducted on the 23rd of April, 2011 by my college group classmates which are Saeed Rashid, C00161028 and Abdulla Ali, H00156346, Ateeq Omar, H00154910. In T008 / 2:20 pm.
The presentation topic was about White board verses Smart board and it took approximately 6 minutes long. I believe that Abdulla had a good eye contact with the audience and felt confident and he hadn’t any problems at all while speaking. And to movements, although he was using hands gesture while explaining some points which was an important factor that made the audience more active with the presenter. Moreover, Abdulla was a little bit nervous before the presentation so he used notes cards so he won’t forget the important points. He had a clear loud voice but he faced some problems while pronouncing some hard vocabulary.  Nevertheless everything else was clear.
The power point slides were organized, the font size was clear, colors were fitting with the presentation and the visuals were perfect.  Animations weren’t used in the presentation but Abdulla showed us a video that contains information about whiteboard & smart board.
Overall I believe that Abdulla did a good job and covered some important points. But he still needs to improve more in the area of vocabulary and pronunciation of words.

Thursday 7 April 2011



Date of meeting: 20th March 2010
Topic: Traffic in HCT
Time of meeting: 14:20
Venue: class room (104)
Meeting participants:
Participants: Saeed Rashed ,Abdullah Ali ,Atteq ,Khalifa
Chair \Lead: Saeed Rashed
Minute’s taker: Abdullah
Venue preparation :
Table and chairs for 4 people.
Paper and pens.
1-Find the causes of traffic and discuss why it is so complex?
2-Find the solution for the traffic problem.
3-Solutions discuss, choice the best.
This meeting will present the traffic issues in the HCT .As i am one of councilor student, I have been inform from the head college department, asking our group to find some solution for college traffic. We know that the college had serious accident last year and it was a disaster and since that day, the college has made strong rules to avoid serious risk for an accident .We want to know what the biggest issue is make the traffic so complex and we will try to find easy solution suit for everybody. One of the idea to make a signal light , which is probably the most easily recognized traffic control device and also ,we recommend to sometimes giving traffic tickets and, encourage students and teachers to use the parking in right way .Finally , we will consider for everybody be responsible for his behavior .

Thursday 24 March 2011

Traffic in HCT

Our meeting took place in the 20th of March 2011 by the HCT group students in the ADMC. Of course I was a member in that meeting we run which started at 14:20 and it took us approximately 20 minutes to finish. Saeed Rashed was the leader and Abdulla was the note taker, I and Ateeq were members. In begging we started looking at our agenda and review the ideas well before we started disguising and we were already well prepared for this meeting. Agenda were wrote earlier and analyzed well and the important points were written down by each member in the group so we could talk freely without hastate. The leader started to have a conversation with us by asking some questions. Sometimes we had to agree each other and sometimes we did not agree. I believe that no one has interrupted anyone while talking. Every member in the group was satisfied by each other performance. We had our conversation quietly and easy. We analyzed all the agenda points and it was clear for all.

Ultimately, we collected all the positive points and wrote it as recommendations to get checked by a higher level. I believe that our performance will develop in the next time and have some better ideas to discuss

Saturday 5 March 2011

Some certain difficulties which could face a presenter .

There are some difficulties which could a presenter face which is :

1 - Feeling nervous specially if it was the first time .

2 - Eye contact with the audience could make the presenter uncomfortable .

3 - Gusters management .

4 - Pressure .